Livestream 2032, 2020
In 12 short years from 2020, technology will evolve enough to elevate the interactions of the donation based, personality economy. The fantasies, desires, and guilty feelings produced will fuel advertising like never before. Share prices of frilly ankle socks skyrocket and no-show socks shall be on the decline. Lack of leg-covering garments will also deal a big hit to the fashion industry.
Draconis Pictorem, 2020
Latin for painter of a dragon’s head. A graduate degree in occult summoning has its ups and downs for the studious witch. On one hand, some dragons really enjoy the look of their own face, which is complementary even to the most modest of craftsman… On the other hand, however, they may be a little too forward with their methods of approach.
Transmutation circle used as a means to summon creatures beyond the reach of human hands. Often results in a messy work station and lengthy explanations to peers.
Rama, Man of the Seventh Cycle, 2020
Seventh Avatar and incarnation of the Hindu deity Vishnu. In this Deva version of Rama, the antlers bloom lotus flowers as a reflection of his actions. He is on the path to becoming the very well known Buddha, after 3 cycles of rebirth and karmic good. The belt and bow he wields honors his most devoted follower, Hanuman, who’s monkey tail was set ablaze by Rama’s nemesis, Ravana.
The main story of Rama follows the exile from his kingdom and the kidnapping of his wife in the Sanskrit epic Ramayana. He is known to be virtuous and looked up to by many. In this Asura version, he handles the kidnapping of his wife in a much more brutal manner. His antler’s are adorned by the ears and nose of Ravana’s sister, a demon woman who tried to seduce him. The garland of flowers around his neck were worn by the monkey king Sugriva, who had it to help Rama identify and slay the false king Vali (Sugriva’s brother.)
Thumbnails that explore different types of upper body garb and antlers with/without blooming leaves. Rear design to show how the scarf wraps as well as how certain pieces of equipment connect. Garuda’s Flight paduka design for sandals as well as quiver design.
Tok[sic] Future, 2020
Your Mom’s House Podcast artwork of Christina P watching some toks.
After a quick milking, a little barnyard play, and following proto in her favorite new wig, Christin Pretzal told Todd Segway: "Babe, I'm fully dried off and giving myself permission to tok to my fullest potential. Cool moms AND cool guys on fans only call me the toktician."
Serket Heavy Combat Medic, Grounded Falcon Utility Sentry, 2020
Futuristic military unit enhanced by attributes of the Egyptian goddess, Serket. Heavily associated with scorpions, Serket’s name really meant “She Who Causes the Throat to Breathe.” The scorpion exosuit on her back is equipped with a high-powered camera as well as crescent-wrench shaped claws to assist her duties. Accompanying her is a Horus (Falcon-headed god who she later joined) inspired utility sentry. Together, the two prioritize search and rescue on the battlefield.
Design inspiration ranges from infantry military units, SWAT, police uniforms, WWII outfits, and NASA space suits. Scorpion silhouette was established and reworked to be more visually impactful as well as utilitarian in appearance.
Fenrir Varangian Guard, 2020
A viking that was paid as a mercenary to protect the Byzantine Emperor, Constantine VII. His family closely associated themselves with the god Fenrir. Wielding a hafted axe and circular shield, his unit was used as an elite squad for small-scale combat.
Different approaches to designing the armor. Time periods range from early introduction into the Byzantine ranks, to later years with more modern equipment, such as the kite shield. The masks and fur represent the black wolf, Fenrir.
2 Reflections of Oshun, 2020
Oshun, often viewed as a benevolent, queen bee, has more than one side to her. As the surplus of water rises, so does her vanity. As the water level declines and droughts begin to scourge the earth, her duties as a judicator might cloud her judgment.
Different costumes and concepts for Oshun. Many derived from traditional garb in conjunction with historical depictions of her. The refined sketches from left to right show vanity with peacock feathers, the middle showing bees hovering around her, and the right showing drought with vulture feathers.
Tonatiuh, 2020
The Aztec sun god of the 5th age. Many were sacrificed for him to ascend and light up the sky. The quail assisted him greatly with this feat. Only after the execution of Xolotl was he able to fully rise.
Thumbnails/sketch exploration. Varying sizes of headdress and typical clothing that aztec men would wear (adorned with decorations fitting of a man that would become a god).
Honey Boba Bee, 2020
My hamster, Boba, dressed as a honey bee, on a boba.
Misdirected Piety, 2020
Local man's Western European ancestor circa 1348, who refuses to wear a helmet in appropriate situations, fights for his right to spread his opinions and fraternize with companions outside favorite tavern. Following the resolution of this one time historical event, Pope Clement VI absolved the man of his many sins including those during the Crusades and the faultless eradication of his entire village. Neighboring rodents remain on trial for their horrific and undoubtedly racist crimes of performing daily activities and eating non-vegan substitutes of cheese.
Aggressively Dating, 2020
There isn’t a quicker way to meet royalty than a random number based queue. The young witch plots her expedited path to sitting on a gaudy throne. Branding each frog in the marsh, she calls upon her dice magic to summon the next participant. With a quick pucker of her lips, she discards each failure and compiles a treasure of crowns behind her in utter contempt.
Parasite Above Us, 2020
Derived from the movies' ‘Us’ and ‘Parasite.’
Mary Elizabeth “Betty” Taylor, 2020
With her father being brutally murdered at fate’s hands of conspiracy, her mother' passing away from grief, and her husband from yellow fever, Betty has nothing left to lose.
Former daughter to the president, twelfth first lady, and active funeral host. One unjust death led to countless more at her hands.
Donning her father’s coat, belt, and undying spirit, she enacts revenge against Zachary Taylor’s murderers.
Imperial Scholar, 2019
Elizabethan inspired fashion with a very tight, slim fit.
Coat details of the back.
Tsugaru Ringo, 2019
An edo-era kunoichi, born with a particular taste for forbidden flesh. Following quiet, foreign church intervention, the desire was channeled into an obsession for apples. Formerly considered the daughter of a clan leader and concubine, she was branded a criminal and cast out from the Tsugaru controlled, Mutsu province. Following this junction, Ringo finds herself journeying south in search for the perfect strain of her favorite, tree-hanging fruit.
Olyevia (FFBE Concept/Mashup), 2019
Fan concept of a mashup between Fryevia and Olive from Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius. A lone duelist with a single revolver in hand and the power to imbue fire. As a gun mage, she excels in scanning enemies, and can grant abilities that allow the party to exploit weaknesses for several turns. Her hybrid attacks can mimic allies’ abilities at the cost of short cooldowns and limit burst crystals.
Puritan’s Guide to Courtship (Where the Birds and Bees Went), 2018
Birds and bees stopped by for some repose, but not one that would last for an eternity. Initially the blooming of the sunflowers aroused the bees. Next, the birds of paradise attracted the sunbirds to visit. For good measure, the Venus flytraps existed as a deterrent for any wise enough to know. Is it the birds mating, abstinence-only education, or nature’s precursor of population control?
Trois Coups, 2018
Woman wearing intricate Victorian attire that is complimented by battle ready, light armor. She spins her fencing sword at her fingertips as she allows her sass to take over and intimidate.
Color exploration of the Victorian fencer. Trying a more monochrome palette, followed by something more contrasty, something more rich, and finishing off with a sophisticated regal purple.
Design exploration for the Victorian fencer's outfit. Playing with different hats, socks, capes, and swords.
Gambler's Debt, 2018
Gambling male wearing loafers, gun hostler on his left leg, adorned with spades on his cuffs and collar, wielding a shovel as a weapon. Las Vegas might not be the ideal place for an apocalypse, but which city really is?
Color exploration for the gambling male. From Shaggy doo to sophisticated playboy and back.
Design exploration of the gambling male. Different sizes of shovels and using the 4 different card suits as decoration.
Desired Affection, 2018
Telepathic woman sitting in wheelchair as she summons hands that lift her up towards a light or perhaps are taking her away from it and into the red pool of mystery.
Occult of Angels, 2018
Militant woman in a police outfit, holding a semi-automatic rifle with many luck based accessories on her, such as a four leaf clover, lucky cat mask, and a Japanese charm to ward away evil. A common hybrid sedan is behind her, seemingly possessed by evil spirits, that will soon be banished.
Agrias of Tarth
(Game of Thrones+Final Fantasy Tactics), 2017
Tall woman with short blonde hair wields a sword and shield with her faction's sigil on it.
Delita Greyjoy
(Game of Thrones+Final Fantasy Tactics), 2017
A sneaky royal man slyly reveals a dagger under his cloak while tricking aggressors into thinking that his only weapon is his sheathed sword.
Ramza Snow
(Game of Thrones+Final Fantasy Tactics), 2017
A loyal son stands in his family's colors and crest with his heirloom sword protecting any that oppose him.
Nereid of the Primordial Rift, 2017
An undead nereid, with ribcage and hipbones exposed, hovers at the foot of a cave's stream.
Nereid of the East Pacific, 2017
Nereid wears a crown while holding a katana in one hand and a makeshift swordfish in the other.
The Close Appraisal, 2017
Sneaky man sits perched on a rock as he offers up a long golden strand of hair. It is implied that he is selling who or what it belongs to.
The Melting Few, 2017
Blonde female with a cape made entirely of melted candle wax stands in the center. Upon further investigation it is noticeable that she herself is also melting: her eyes, lips, and jaw begin to drip.
Vauban Vandal Concept (Warframe), 2016
Man inside of a futuristic space suit holds a laser rifle as different parts of his outfit glow a blue neon light. Fan concept of a Vauban styled like the Vandal weapon series (holding a Dera rifle).
Grineer Loki Concept (Warframe), 2016
Futuristic warrior stands ready with a warhammer in one hand and a battleaxe in the other. Fan concept of a Loki Warframe built by the Grineer.
Enthralling Sonata, 2016
A male bard uses one hand to summon the strings of his instrument to bind a dangerous beast that attempts to sneak up behind him; he uses his other hand to threaten to vanquish it with his flute.
Vascularity, 2016
A witch conjures blood magic using a paper scroll that is firmly gripped between both of her hands. Several instances of thorns and other skin-piercing accessories allow her to channel this.